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Preventive Care In Nursing and Midwifery Journal

2024، Volume 14، Number 3

Print ISSN: 2588-4441

Online ISSN: 2588-445X

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Parviz Ghezelbash

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nasrin, Hanifi

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Preventive Care in Nursing and Midwifery Journal

PRINT ISSN: 2588-4441
ONLINE ISSN: 2588-445X

Journal of Preventive Care in Nursing and Midwifery (PCNM)
is an open-access and peer-reviewed quarterly  journal published by Zanjan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services of Iran. PCNM welcomes original quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods articles in the field of preventive care in nursing and midwifery from all over the world. PCNM Journal is indexed in DOAJ: 2019, CINAHL: 2014, EBSCO, ROADMIAR, ISC, SID, IMEMR, CIVILICA, MagIran, Nindex, Google Scholar, Barakatkns.


Accepted Articles

Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 14، Number 3
  • Print ISSN: 2588-4441
  • Online ISSN: 2588-445X
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr.Hassan Bakhtiary
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nasrin, Hanifi
  • Publisher: Zanjan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services

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This Journal follows ICMJE recommendations
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for medical Publication (list date: 2017.12.29).


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