Abdominal surgery
Relationship Between Depth of Anesthesia and Severity of Pain after Abdominal Surgeries [Volume 6, Number 4] |
An infant with anomalies
The effect of counseling with a positive approach on anxiety about giving birth to an Infant with Anomalies in pregnant mothers over 35 years of age [Volume 14, Number 4] |
The effect of childbirth preparation courses on the reduction of anxiety of pregnant women referring to health centers of Sirik in Hormozgan, Iran [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Investigating the Status of Physical Activity, Adherence to Treatment, and Quality of Life in Individuals with Asthma [Volume 14, Number 4] |
Breast self-examination
Awareness, attitude, and practice regarding breast self-examination among female employees working at Islamic Azad University, Zanjan branch in 2023 [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Knowledge and Attitudes of the Students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Towards COVID-19 in 2020 [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Content analysis
Incivility in higher education: A qualitative study [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Prediction of psychological distress based on job security, spiritual intelligence, and social acceptance among nurses working at the COVID-19 referral center of Zanjan province in 2021 [Volume 14, Number 1] |
The effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction on caregiving in romantic relationships of overweight women: A quasi-experimental design [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Pregnancy Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Symptoms of Covid-19 Admitted to Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital in Zanjan in 2019-2020 [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Lifestyle Factors Aaffecting Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Healthy People in Qom-Iran [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Cross-sectional study
The marital satisfaction status and its related factors in pregnant women in semnan, Iran: A cross-sectional study [Volume 14, Number 1] |
DMFT index
Investigating dental health status in patients with psychiatric disorders [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Effect of Education booed on Educational Needs on Weight Changes in Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis [Volume 2, Number 2] |
A survey on the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and difficult intubation in the elderly [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Emergency medical technicians
Trust levels of patients in emergency medical technicians, associated factors, and resulting outcomes [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Exclusive breastfeeding
Comparison of breastfeeding self-efficacy between exclusive and non-exclusive breastfeeding in postpartum women [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Family conflict
The effectiveness of self-differentiation training on family process and marital intimacy in couples with marital conflict [Volume 14, Number 4] |
Family health
Relationship between the Family of Origin Health and Marital Satisfaction among Women in Bentolhoda Hospital of Bojnurd: A Study in the North East of Iran [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Family-Work Conflict
The Effect of Relationship Enhancement on Solving Dimensions of Work-Family Conflict [Volume 7, Number 1] |
GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus)
Investigating the Relationship between hs-CRP Serum Level and Insulin Resistance (HOMA IR) Six Weeks after Childbirth in Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Health protocols
Obstacles to complying with health protocols in coronavirus disease 2019 patient care among emergency medical staff of Zanjan province in 202 [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Heart failure
The effect of teaching heart failure patients and their families based on their learning needs on frequency of re-admission [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Does high social capital lead to creation of a favorable ethical environment in the organization? A survey from the perspective of nursing staff in public hospitals of Tehran [Volume 6, Number 3] |
The effect of Therapeutic Touch on Physiological Variables of Mechanically Ventilated Patients in Intensive Care Units [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Institutional practice
The impact of lean six sigma program on the performance standards of pre-hospital emergency: A semi-experimental study [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Intensive Care Units
Knowledge and attitude of Intensive care units nurses towards Delirium working at Guilan University of Medical Sciences in 2015elirium [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Intensive care units
Effect of Open Suctioning of Artificial Airway Based on the Comprehensive Criteria for Suctioning on the Patients' Hemodynamic Status Hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Intensive care units
The prediction of couple burnout according to the general health and marital intimacy among Nurses [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Effect of Valerian on Anxiety of Nurses Working in the ICUs: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique on Fatigue inPatients Undergoing Hemodialysis [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Effect of an Educational Intervention Based on Empowerment Model on Awareness, Attitudes, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy of Men in Preventing Prostate Cancer [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Effect of an Educational Program Based on the Health Belief Model on Preventive Behaviors of Urinary Tract Infection among Women [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Relationship between Psychological Hardiness and Family Function With Subjective Well-being in Nurses [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Effect of Psychoeducation to Spouses on Psychological Needs of Womens with Breast Cancer: a Clinical Trial [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Attitudes of ICU and Oncology Nurses towards Euthanasia [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Relationship between Perceived Social Support in First Pregnancy with Birth Satisfaction in Primigravid Women Referred to Shahid Akbar Abadi Hospital [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Effect of Illness Perception Promoting Intervention on Quality of Life of Hemodialysis patients: a Clinical Trial [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Prevalence of Hepatitis B, C and HIV Infection in Blood Donors in Zanjan, 2005-2006 [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Priorities of Caring Behaviors from Critical Care Nurses Viewpoints [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Relationship between Psychological Empowerment with Affective Commitment among Nurses in Zanjan, 2010 [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Coping with Stress Strategies among HIV Positive Patients: A Qualitative Content Analysis [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Relationship between Personality Traits of Nurses with Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Zanjan Educational Hospitals, 2012 [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Anxiety and Depressive Symptomatology among Iranian Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 in January 2020 [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Quality of Sleep in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Comparison of critical care nurses' clinical competency using self-assessment method and assessment by head nurses, Zanjan 2014 [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Correlation between Thinking Styles with Clinical Decision Making among Nurses Working in Educational Hospitals Affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Effect of an Educational Intervention Based on Empowerment Model on Awareness, Attitudes, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy of Men in Preventing Prostate Cancer [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Effect of Acupressure on Gastric Content Aspiration in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Units [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program on Severity of Symptoms in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Effects of Two Heart Meditation Exercise on Anxiety among Patients Uundergoing Hemodialysis [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Experiences of Critical Care Units Nurses about Futile Care a Qualitative Study [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Effectiveness of Premarital Sex Education on Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs of Couples, Isfahan [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Effect of Auditory Stimulation by Recitation of Prayers (Azan) on Consciousness Level of Comatose Patients: a Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Assessment of Nurses Viewpoints on Patient Safety Culture in Amol Hospitals in Iran, 2012 [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Relationship between Psychological Hardiness and Family Function With Subjective Well-being in Nurses [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Psychometric Analysis of Persian GHQ-12 with C-GHQ Scoring Style [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Relationship between Personality Traits of Nurses with Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Zanjan Educational Hospitals, 2012 [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Effect of Distance Education via Short Message Service of Mobile Phones on Self-efficacy and HbA1C of Patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Comparing Effects of Walking and Yoga Exercise on Quality of Life in Patients with type 2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Longitudinal Discriminant Analysis with Random Effects for Predicting Preeclampsia using Hematocrit Data [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Effect of Sucrose 30% on Hepatitis B Vaccine Injection Pain Relief in Full Term Infants [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Correlation between Epilepsy Self-Management Behaviors and Seizure Frequency among Patients with Epilepsy in Iran Epilepsy Association [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Effects of Psychological Interventions on Postpartum Depression, Anxiety and Infants’ Weight in Primipara Women [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Attitudes toward Elderly among Nurses working in Medical-Surgical Wards in Zanjan hospitals, 2012 [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Patients' Perspectives on Responsiveness in Outpatient Clinics of Hospitals at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Evaluating Affecting Factors on Sexual Function of Menopausal Women [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Role of Work-Family Facilitation on Family Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction among Female Nurses: Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Effect of a Self-Care Educational Program Based on Orem's Model on Stress in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Causes of Cesarean Section in an Educational Hospital at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 1, Number 2] |
The attitude of women who give birth in the maternity hospital toward the level of humane behavior of midwifery staff at Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital, Zanjan [Volume 6, Number 2] |
The relationship between incidence of delay in offering care to the patient and nurses professional commitment [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Comparison of Anxiety Level in Community Health Care Providers Employing in rural
and urban Public Health Centers of Tabriz, 2020 [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Effect of illness perception improvement on risk factors of coronary artery disease [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Level of Empathy for Patients among Students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2016 [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Investigating Women's Pregnancy Care Behaviors Based on the Health Belief Model and Social Support Patterns in Pregnant Women Referring to Health Centers Covered affiliated by Iranshahr-Iran faculty of medical science [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Iranian People's Experiences of Psychological Challenges of Home Quarantine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Inter-group conflicts experienced by Iranian nurses: A qualitative study [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Factors Associated With Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Very Low Birth Weight Neonates in Mousavi Hospital in Zanjan in 2012-2013 [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Factors Influencing Job Promotion in Iranian Nursing Profession, Barriers and Facilitators [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Reproductive variables and Correlation between Irrational Parenthood Cognition and Destructive Behaviors of Marital Relationship in Infertile Women [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Use of Virtual Social Networks by Adolescents in Zanjan, Iran (2016-2017) [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Prevalence of Low Birth Weight and Preterm Birth and the
Influential Factors in Zanjan, Iran (2014-2016) [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Effect of Cryotherapyon Pain Following Fistula Puncture in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Comparison between head nurses and nurses views of internship nursing students clinical skills in medical-surgical wards of Zanjan hospitals, 2014-2015 [Volume 6, Number 1] |
The Fathers’ Function Status After Transition to Fatherhood and its Related Factors [Volume 6, Number 1] |
A comparative study of effect of ozone water with chlorhexidine in prevention of oral lesions in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation [Volume 6, Number 1] |
A Comparative Study of Anhedonia among Parents of Children with and without Mental Retardation [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Needs Assessment of Self-Care Training in patients with Coronary Artery Disease in Bandar Abbas, 2011 [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Effect of Vitamine B1 on the intensity primary dysmenorrheal [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Effect of an educational Preventive Program on Asthma Outcomes: a Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Obesity and its Relationship with Physical Activity among Female Adolescents in West of Tehran [Volume 3, Number 1] |
A Comparative Study on Medical and Nursing Students Viewpoints about Telemedicine Procedures Development [Volume 3, Number 2] |
A Comparison effect of collaborative-based training program and lecture method on nurses’ performance of central venous catheter care [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Barriers to and Facilitators of Clinical Education from Sanandaj Nursing Students' Viewpoints, 2010-2011 [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Patient Satisfaction from Pre and Postoperative Nursing Care in Hospitals Affiliated to Babol University of Medical Sciences [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Educational Intervention on effects' Peers Knowledge and Behaviors of Students with Diabetes Type I [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Epidemiologic Study of Burn Patients Hospitalized in Mousavi Hospital, Zanjan 2010- 2012 [Volume 5, Number 2] |
The effect of Counseling using the PLISSIT Model on Sexual Function of Pregnant Women [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Nurses Work Motivation: A Big Challenge for Health System; a Review article [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Effect of Problem Solving Training on Anxiety in Patients with IBS [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Exploring of Living Donors’ Experiences Following Liver Transplantation: a qualitative descriptive study [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Job turnover
The relationship between the injuries caused by job and job satisfaction, stress, employee turnover and perceptions of safety climate about staff of educational Hospitals at Zanjan University of Medical Siences [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Keywords osteoporosis, knowledge, risk factors
Knowledge of Nurses and Midwives on Risk Factors Associated with Osteoporosis [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the respectful maternity care scale [Volume 14, Number 4] |
Maternal health
Perceived husbands’ support during pregnancy and childbirth among women in yenagoa metropolis, bayelsa state [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Medical students
Comparison of Health-promoting Life Styles among Medical and Non-medical Students in Zanjan during 2016-2017 [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Mental health
The correlation between fear of infection with coronavirus disease 2019 and the mental health of pregnant women [Volume 14, Number 2] |
The effect of schema therapy on marital conflicts: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Middle aged
Measuring Online Health Information Seeking Skills and its Related Factors in a Middle-Aged Population [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Prediction of marital burnout based on personality traits and sexual intimacy in married woman nurses in selected private hospitals in Tehran [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Myocardial infarction
A comparison of the effect of training by peers and nurses on anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction: A randomized control trial [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Self-awareness or mindfulness: predicting nurses’ burnout intensity [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Levels of generalized anxiety, moral distress, and moral courage among nurses: A comparative study in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 wards [Volume 14, Number 4] |
ommunication skills of head nurses and its relationship to work engagement and psychological distress of staff nurses in the Iranian context: An observational multicenter study [Volume 15, Number 1] |
Examining the relationship between professional identity and psychological well-being among nurses [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Nurses consultation during COVID-19 via hotlines: a descriptive phenomenological study abstract [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Nursing students
Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy in clinical performance and psychological empowerment among nursing students [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Perspectives and attitudes of midwifery educators toward distance education in midwifery care education [Volume 14, Number 4] |
Parous women
Effects of child birth preparation classes on parous womens’ attitude toward child birth [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Physiological indicator
The effects of aromatherapy massage using peppermint oil on physiological indicators after laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery: A control clinical trials [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Pre-hospital emergency care
Assessing paramedic performance and background factors in emerging disease outbreak [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Qualitative Research
Nurses' experiences of home care: A qualitative study [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Qualitative study
Interpretation of the characteristics of Youth friendly reproductive health services in Iran: A qualitative study [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Quality of life
Investigating the relationship of electronic health literacy and self-care behaviors with life quality in patients with heart failure [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Quantile regression analysis
Assessment of Risk Factors for Low Birth weight of Infants in Zanjan Province Using Quantile Regression Analysis [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Risk factors
A case-control study on risk factors of breast cancer in Damghan, Iran [Volume 13, Number 4] |
The effectiveness of the satir approach-based counseling on the parenting sense of competence in adolescent mothers [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Still birth
The prevalence of stillbirth and infant mortality: Maternal and neonatal factors [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Non-pharmacological interventions for anxiety management in patients undergoing anesthesia (a way to preoperative caring): A narrative review [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Telephone counseling
The effect of telephone counseling with a positive psychology approach on quality-of-life in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 14, Number 4] |
Nurses' Problems in Promoting Quality of Life of Children Suffering from Thalassemia [Volume 2, Number 1] |
The elderly
Effect of walking at home on heart functioning levels of people with heart failure [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Thrombolytic therapy
Treatment selection factors and outcome comparison in acute myocardial infarction [Volume 14, Number 4] |
Type 2 diabetic patients
The relationship between psychological stress and medication regimen adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 14, Number 2] |
University of Medical Sciences
Health-promoting lifestyle and its relationship with health literacy of employees of zanjan University of medical sciences [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Urmia- Iran
Reasons of Missed Nursing Care From the Viewpoints of Nurses in Educational, Private, and Social Security Hospitals in Urmia-Iran in 2018 [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Assessment of Social confidence in Veteran Entrepreneurs in Zanjan Province in 2014 [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Investigation of the Effect of ACT-SMART on Nurses’ Perceived Level of Violence Management in Emergency Section [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Virtual training
The effect of a web-based self-management training program on the quality of life of patients undergoing heart valve replacement: An experimental study [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Assessment of Preventive Behaviors of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women in Fasa, Fars Province Based on the Health Belief Model [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Relationship between intimate partner violence and depression symptoms in Turkish women: A cross-sectional study [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Sexual function and sexual behavior in women with breast cancer having sexual distress, Zanjan, Iran [Volume 7, Number 3] |
The Leadership Styles of Head Nurses Working in the Training Hospitals Affiliated to Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2020 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
The Amount of Moral Courage and Moral Distress of Nurses and Their Related Factors in Educational and Medical Centers of Zanjan [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Dialysis adequacy of chronic hemodialysis patients in Zanjan-Iran, 2016 [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Factors Related to Moral Courage of Nursing Students in Zanjan [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Prevalence and Predictors of Cesarean Section in Zanjan-Iran During 2014-2016 [Volume 7, Number 3] |
The Effectiveness of Acceptance-commitment Therapy and Emotion Regulation Training on Impulsivity and Distress Tolerance in
People with a History of Drug Addiction [Volume 11, Number 2] |
affecting factors
Job Satisfaction and its Related Factors among Nurses in the Public Hospitals of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, 2010 [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Self-Care Ability of the Elderly and Related Factors [Volume 12, Number 4] |
The Relationship of Mindfulness, Self-Differentiation and Alexithymia With Borderline Personality Traits [Volume 11, Number 2] |
angina pectoris
Comparison of the association between spiritual experiences and death anxiety in heart failure patients with angina pectoris patients [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy in Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Physical Symptoms in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 12, Number 3] |
anxiety sensitivity
Predicting Women's Sexual Function Based on Circadian Rhythms and Anxiety Sensitivity [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Effect of Aromatherapy Massage on Anxiety among Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Content Analysis of Articles Published in the Nursing and Midwifery Journals of Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences [Volume 2, Number 1] |
associated factors
Assisting IUD and DMPA Users with Overcoming their Sexual and Mood Problems [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Effectiveness of Group Education using CDs on Quality of Life of Children with Asthma [Volume 1, Number 1] |
asthma patients
A Comparative Study of the Life Quality and Style of the Healthy and Asthma Suffering People Referring to Zanjan Province Hospitals [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Effect of Endurance Training and Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Sleep Quality in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Number 1] |
autoimmune disorders
Assessment of Chronic Urticaria in Outpatients of Allergy Clinic of Vali-Asr Hospital in Zanjan [Volume 1, Number 2] |
behavioral disorders
Association of Spiritual Well-Being and Parental Acceptance with Child Behavioral Disorders through the Mediation of Life Satisfaction in Mothers of Children with Hearing Impairment [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The Effects of COVID-19 from Fertilization until Birth: A Literature Review [Volume 10, Number 3] |
body image satisfaction
The Effect of Body Image Satisfaction on Women’s Sexual Function in Postpartum Period [Volume 8, Number 4] |
breast cancer
The Effect of Stress Management Counseling on General Health and Coping Strategies for Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 7, Number 1] |
breast neoplasms
The Effect of Virtual Training on the Care Burden of Caregivers to Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Effectiveness of individual play therapy on hope, adjustment and pain response of children with leukemia hospitalized in Shahrivar Hospital, Rasht, Iran [Volume 11, Number 2] |
chest tube
Effect of Cold in Combination with Indomethacin Suppository Administration on Analgesic Need after Chest Tube Removal [Volume 2, Number 1] |
child abuse
Relationship between Mother-Child Bonding with Postpartum Depression among a Group of Mothers in Shiraz-Iran [Volume 3, Number 2] |
chronic renal failure
Assessment of Informational and Instrumental Support In Hemodialysis Patients In The Hospitals of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, 2011 [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Evaluation of Waiting Time and Satisfaction in Outpatients in Imam Hossein Polyclinic of Zanjan Using Patient-Pathway Analysis [Volume 10, Number 3] |
clinical profile
Diabetic Distress and its Relationship with Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2019 [Volume 12, Number 4] |
cognitive behavioral therapy
Effectiveness of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Weight Loss and Eating Behavior in Overweight Adolescents [Volume 12, Number 3] |
colorectal cancer
Determination of Recurrence, Severity, Distress, and Clustering of Symptoms in the Elderly with Colorectal Cancer in Selected Hospitals in Isfahan - Iran in 2018 to 2019 [Volume 10, Number 2] |
communication strategies
Communication with Chronic Patients Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation: A Qualitative Study on Iranian ICU Caregivers [Volume 10, Number 3] |
complete count of blood cells
Study of the Relationship between Blood Lead Level and Complete Blood Counts in Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Number 1] |
conflict resolution techniques
Predicting Women's Sexual Function through Sexual Self-Efficacy according to the Mediator Variable of Conflict Resolution Techniques [Volume 9, Number 4] |
consequences of childbirth
Investigating the Effects of Midwife-Oriented Education and Counseling on the Type and Consequences of Childbirth in First-Time Pregnant Women with Fear of Childbirth [Volume 12, Number 2] |
content analysis
Negative experiences of Iranian women underwent tubal ligation: A qualitative study [Volume 13, Number 4] |
coping strategies
Predicting Fertility quality of life based on coping strategies, duration and infertility factors [Volume 7, Number 3] |
coronary angiography
The Effectiveness of Orange Essential Oil Aromatherapy on Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, and Respiratory Rate of Patients Scheduled for Coronary Angiography: A Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Number 2] |
coronary artery bypasses graft surgery
Adherence to Treatment Regimen and its Related Factors in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Revascularization in the City of Zanjan in 2017 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Educational Needs in Premarital Counseling: Viewpoints of Couples Referring to Health Care Centers in Zanjan [Volume 2, Number 2] |
couples therapy
Effects of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy on Reducing Depression and Marital Conflicts in Employed Couples [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Comparison of Clinical Competency in Nurses Working in Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 Departments of University Hospitals in Zanjan City in 2020 [Volume 12, Number 1] |
critical care
ffect of Chlorhexidine on Prevention of Local Infection in Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker Catheter Site [Volume 2, Number 2] |
cultural practices
Cultural Determinants Associated with Malnutrition in Children Aged 6-59 Months in West Pokot County, Kenya [Volume 13, Number 3] |
decision-making power
Association between Women Empowerment and Social Support in the Reproductive Decision-Making of the Women Referring to the Health Centers in Sari, Iran (2017) [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Spiritual Intelligence in Zanjan Nursing and Midwifery Students and its Related Factors [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Investigating the Relationship between Teamwork and Professional and Demographic Factors of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) in Zanjan Province in 2019 [Volume 9, Number 4] |
diabetes mellitus
Evaluation of Quality of Life in the Elderly with Diabetes and Its Related Factors [Volume 11, Number 3] |
The Effect of Education-Based Empowerment Program on Nursing
Care Quality in the Dialysis Ward [Volume 8, Number 3] |
divorced women
Role of Relationship Beliefs and Cognitive Insight on the Quality of Marital Relationship among Divorced Women [Volume 9, Number 2] |
divorced women
The Mediating Role of Internalizing Problems on the Relationship between Emotional Well-being and Externalizing Problems of Divorced Women in Zanjan [Volume 9, Number 3] |
A Survey on the readiness of e-teaching among Faculty Members of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2014 [Volume 9, Number 1] |
early suppression of lactation
Association of Domestic Violence and Early Suppression of lactation in Mothers Referring to Health Centers in Lahijan -Iran [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Performance of Profit and Non-profit Rural on School Performance in Qom Province in 2020 [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Self-Care and Relevant Factors Shaping Quality of Life among the Elderly with and Without Chronic Disease [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Comparison of the quality of life of elderly men and women residing in nursing homes in the city of Zanjan [Volume 15, Number 1] |
electrical monitoring
Assessment of the baseline pattern of fetal heart rate using software algorithms [Volume 9, Number 3] |
electronic health records
The Prevalence of Depression and its Associated Demographic Factors in the Elderly with Electronic Health Records in Zanjan [Volume 8, Number 2] |
emergency department (ED)
Accidental Hypothermia and Related Risk Factors among Trauma Patients Admitted to the Emergency Department [Volume 11, Number 1] |
emergency medical services technician
Investigating the Relationship between Moral Distress and Coping in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services Technicians of East Azerbaijan Province in 2021 [Volume 12, Number 4] |
emergency section
Analysis of the Needs of Relatives of Patients in Emergency Section of Zanjan Education-Medication Centers in 2019 [Volume 9, Number 3] |
exercise program
Effect of a Family-Centered Educational Program on Compliance of Patients Undergoing Coronary Bypass Graft Surgery [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Facilitators of Adolescent Girls’ Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Iran: A Qualitative Study [Volume 10, Number 3] |
family planning
Satisfaction of Patients Undergone Vasectomy in Zanjan, 2009 [Volume 2, Number 1] |
family-centered empowerment model (FCEM)
The effect of Family-Centered Empowerment Model on self-efficacy and self-esteem of the children with asthma [Volume 7, Number 1] |
fatigue severity
Comparing the effect of foot reflexology with olive oil and peppermint inhalation on job stress and fatigue severity among emergency medical services workers [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Early Maladaptive schemas and Premenstrual syndrome in mothers with postpartum depression [Volume 8, Number 1] |
female adolescents
Effect of Two Therapies: Compassion-Focused and Positive-Oriented on the Body Image among Female Adolescents with a History of Self-Injury [Volume 13, Number 1] |
female adolescents
The Effect of Life Skills-Based Group Counseling on Stress in Female Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 13, Number 2] |
female nurses
Investigating the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Hope in Female Nurses of Neyshabur-Iran Hospitals in 2019 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
fire prevention
Knowledge of Operating Room Staff on Fire Resources and Fire prevention Measurements [Volume 2, Number 1] |
first childbearing rest
Related Determinants of Decision-Making in the First Childbearing of Couples: A Narrative Review [Volume 9, Number 1] |
gastric cancer
The Relationship Between Family Functioning and Quality of Life in Patients With Gastric Cancer [Volume 12, Number 1] |
health adjustment
Adjustment status of warfare Veterans with one eye blindness in Zanjan, and it’s relationship with personal variables [Volume 1, Number 2] |
health centers
The study of burnout frequency and its association with job performance among healthcare staff [Volume 7, Number 2] |
health facilities
Women’s Perspectives on Childbirth Care Services Leading to the Maternal Near-Miss event: a Qualitative Study [Volume 12, Number 1] |
heart failure
Investigating Death Anxiety and its Relationship with Some Demographic Variables in Patients with Heart Failure in Zanjan 2018 [Volume 8, Number 2] |
heart failure
The Effect of Educational Protocol Intended to Promote Illness Perception on Death Anxiety in Patients with Heart Failure: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 12, Number 1] |
hemodialysis patients
The Hemodialysis Patients’ Family Function in Zanjan Province in 2019 [Volume 8, Number 3] |
hermeneutic single-case efficacy design
Imagery-based Cognitive Therapy for Patients with Persistent Depressive Disorder: A Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Quality of Work Life among Midwives Working in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences Hospitals [Volume 2, Number 2] |
hospital staff
The Association Between Social Adjustment and Work-Family Conflict and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Clinical Staff of the Khatam-al-Anbia Hospital in Salmas in 2019 [Volume 11, Number 1] |
individual satisfaction
Effect of an Indigenous Intervention Program for Strengthening Happiness Experiences on Marital Satisfaction, Marital Intimacy, and Couples' Happiness Experiences [Volume 11, Number 2] |
infertility-related stress
Evaluation of Infertility-related Stress and its Associated Factors in Infertile Clients: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 11, Number 1] |
intellectually disabled
The effect of spiritual counseling based on the sound heart model on resilience and parenting competence in mothers with intellectually disabled children [Volume 14, Number 3] |
intensive care unit
Assessing the Effect of a Telephone-Supported Need-Based Educational Program on Anxiety and Depression of Families of Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit [Volume 13, Number 2] |
intensive care unit
The Comparative Evaluation of Active and Passive Humidifiers on Ventilator-associated Pneumonia [Volume 7, Number 4] |
intestinal parasitic infection
A Comparative Study on Life-Style of Elders Affected and Not Affected by Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Guilan, Iran [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Investigation of Non-Structural Safety of Kindergartens in Tehran-Iran in 2020 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
leaving work
Nursing Staff Shortage: How About Retention Rate? [Volume 9, Number 1] |
love trauma syndrome
Structural Modeling of Object Relations Mediated by Cognitive Emotion Regulation to Predict the Love Trauma Syndrome in Female Students [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Outcomes of Pregnancy in Women with Epilepsy in Ardabil [Volume 13, Number 2] |
maternal role
Evaluation of Maternal Role Adaptation in Mothers with Late-preterm Infants and its Related Factors [Volume 8, Number 1] |
maternal-fetal attachment
Prevalence of unplanned pregnancy and factors related to maternal-fetal attachment in Zanjan, 2017 [Volume 8, Number 1] |
medical errors
Investigating the Relationship of Work Errors with Occupational Stress and Perceived Organizational Support Among nurses: A Descriptive Correlational Study [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Effects of Meditation on Depression among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis [Volume 8, Number 2] |
men's health
The Mediating Role of Sexual Function in the Relationship between Sensation-seeking, Gender Role Conflict, and Novelty-Seeking in Married Men in Bushehr (Iran) in 2020 [Volume 12, Number 3] |
midwifery education
Fetal Development Assessment Information Scale (FDAIS): Development and Initial Validation [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Attitude of the Nursing and Midwifery Students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences towards Euthanasia [Volume 8, Number 4] |
A Preventive Approach to the Risk of Substance Abuse in Medical Personnel with Migraine: A Case Report [Volume 8, Number 4] |
mother-child relationship
Effect of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on the Severity of Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children: A Clinical Trial with a Parallel Groups Study Design [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Injury Patterns and Severity of Motorcycle Crash Injuries Among Hospitalized Children and Adolescents in Darab, Iran in 2016: A cross-Sectional Study [Volume 10, Number 3] |
neonatal outcomes
Prevalence of Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Referred to Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital in Zanjan in 2018-2019 [Volume 10, Number 2] |
newborn health indicators
Comparison of the pregnancy outcomes and health indicators of newborns before and after the pandemic of covid-19 in Iran [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Prediction of Breast Cancer Risk in Women over 35 Years Old Living in Villages of Zanjan: A Study Based on Gail Model [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Comparison of Marital Satisfaction in the Elderly and Non-Elderly and Related
Factors in 2012 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Effect of Structured Nursing Education Programs in Prevention of Admitted Patients’ Phlebitis [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Occupational Stress in Intensive Care Units Nurses: A Cross-sectional Study [Volume 9, Number 2] |
nurse anesthetists
Components of Job Motivation in Operating-Room and Anesthesia Staff [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Awareness of Nurses about Patients’ Rights and the Extent They Respect It [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Burnout Levels and Some Related Factors in Nurses of Golestan Province [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Relationship between Nurses’ Moral Distress and Psychological Empowerment in Hospitals Affiliated to Shahroud University of Medical Sciences in 2018 [Volume 9, Number 2] |
The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision-Making in Emergency Nurses of Hospitals Affiliated to Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2020 [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Content Analysis of Blended Curriculum (virtual and non-virtual) in Nursing [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Needs of Children of Parents with Schizophrenia [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Investigating the Most Important Sources of Public Nursing Image from the Perspective of Patients Admitted to Hospitals in Zanjan-Iran [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Motivation in the Clinical Education of Nursing Students: A Hybrid Concept Analysis Method [Volume 7, Number 4] |
nursing students
The mediating role of spiritual intelligence in the relationship between media literacy and tendency to addiction in nursing students [Volume 13, Number 4] |
nursing students
Nursing Students’ Perception of Instructor Caring Behaviors in Zanjan Province in 2021 [Volume 12, Number 3] |
nursing students
Path Analysis of the Effect of Academic Emotions in Academic Achievement of Nursing Students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in the 2018-19 Academic Year through the Mediation of the Academic Engagement and Cognitive Strategies [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Predicting the Quality of Life Based on Health-promoting and Mindfulness Lifestyle in Pregnant Women With Obesity Referring to Comprehensive Health Centers in Arak City, Iran [Volume 11, Number 1] |
operating room
Patients' Privacy in the Operating Room in Zanjan Educational Hospitals in 2019: Perspectives of Patients and Operating Room Staff [Volume 11, Number 4] |
operating room technician
Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction among Anesthesia and Operating Room Staff of Zanjan Hospitals [Volume 9, Number 4] |
The Effect of Warm Intravenous Fluid on Postoperative Pain: A Double-Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 8, Number 4] |
pap smear
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Female Employees of Health Network in Guilan-Gharb County about Cervical Cancer and Pap Smear [Volume 1, Number 2] |
parenting rolele
The Effect of Positivity Approach Counseling on Acceptance and Adaptation to Parental Role in Husbands of First-Time Mothers [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Effect of Family Participation in ICU Patients Care on Family’s Anxiety level [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Knowledge, Attitude and Performance of Nursing Students Towards Hand Hygiene in Medical and Surgical Wards of Zanjan Teaching Hospitals in 2019 -2020 [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Physicians’ Perspectives of the Factors Influential in Implementing National Clinical Guidelines for Hypertension in Iran: A Qualitative Study [Volume 11, Number 4] |
play therapy
The Effect of Group Play Therapy on Anxiety in Children Diagnosed with Leukemia [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Effect of Supportive Counseling Using a Positive Psychology Approach on Improving the Severity of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 13, Number 3] |
positive psychology interventions (PPIs)
Hope and Happiness in Infertile Women Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART): The Effect of Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) [Volume 13, Number 3] |
postoperative nausea and vomiting
The Relationship between Menstrual Cycle Phases with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting after Open Cholecystectomy Surgery [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Predictive factors of anxiety level in postpartum period [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Assessment of Knowledge and Practice among Pregnant Women on Folic Acid Intake and its Related Factors [Volume 1, Number 1] |
The Relationship between Coping Self-efficacy and Social Support with Psychological Well-being in Pregnant Women Referring
to Health Centers During the Coronavirus Outbreak [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Communication skills and anxiety during pregnancy in nulliparous women: A cross-sectional study in an Iranian setting [Volume 8, Number 1] |
pregnancy complications
Causes of Hospitalization of Pregnant Women in Delivery Unit of Ayatollah Mosavi Hospital in Zanjan [Volume 1, Number 2] |
pregnancy outcome
What Are the Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Adolescent Pregnancy in Women Referring to Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital in Zanjan? A Comparative Cross-sectional Study [Volume 9, Number 3] |
pregnancy outcomes
Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and Its Associated Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Women Referred to Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital in Zanjan [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Relationship between social support with anxiety, depression, and stress in pregnant women attending to health care centers in Zanjan-Iran in 2015-2016 [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Evaluation of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction in Emergency Medical Services Staff of Zanjan Province, Iran [Volume 10, Number 2] |
prenatal care
The Effect of Integrating Midwifery Counseling With a Spiritual Approach on Pregnant Women’s Spiritual Experience: A randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Prevalence and Outcomes of Pre-eclampsia and its Related Factors in Referral Hospital of Ayatollah Mosavi in Zanjan-Iran [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Association of Troponin-I Level on Admission with 6-month Clinical Consequences in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Preventive Approach in Patient Care [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Adaptation to Motherhood and Its Influential Factors in the First Year Postpartum in Iranian Primiparous [Volume 7, Number 4] |
The role of maternal emotional cognitive strategies and newborn gender satisfaction in the postpartum depression in the primiparous women [Volume 7, Number 2] |
prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer Screening Behaviors Based on the Health Belief Model in Men Aged 40-70 Years in Fasa City, Fars Province, Iran, in 2019 [Volume 11, Number 3] |
psychiatric ward
Factors associated with medication errors in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz: Perspectives of nurses [Volume 8, Number 2] |
psychological problems
Effective Factors on Emotional Conditions of Families of Mentally Retarded Children Under Protection of Guilan Welfare Centers [Volume 1, Number 2] |
public health
Factors Involving in the Substance Abuse among Medical Students and its Association with medical students' general health: mixed-method study [Volume 10, Number 1] |
qualitative research
Consequences of Domestic Violence against Women Referred to Health Centers in Zanjan: Qualitative Research [Volume 9, Number 2] |
qualitative study
Identification of Barriers to Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Cerebral Palsy [Volume 11, Number 1] |
quality of working life
The relationship between the quality of working life and critical thinking of nurses in Milad Hospital of Isfahan, Iran [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Development and Psychometrics of a Questionnaire to Assess the Importance of Integrated Education in Undergraduate Nursing from the Perspective of Faculty Members [Volume 10, Number 2] |
randomized controlled trialsdy
The Effectiveness of Budesonide in the Treatment of Asthma Attacks in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 13, Number 3] |
related factors
Status of Psychological Adjustment and Associated Factors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences - 2019 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Participation of First-Degree Relatives of Women with Breast Cancer in
Screening Programs [Volume 9, Number 2] |
reproductive age
Social well-being of women in reproductive ages and its related factors in Zanjan, 2016 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
reproductive health
Quality of Sexual Health Counseling Services in Pre-marriage Counseling Centers in Tabriz [Volume 2, Number 1] |
reproductive variables
The role of reproductive variables, anxiety, physical activity, on the sleep quality of lactating women referring to health care centers of Zanjan-Iran [Volume 10, Number 1] |
rheumatoid arthritis
Effects of progressive muscle relaxation on the life quality of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A clinical trial [Volume 7, Number 2] |
The Role of Organizational Justice in Nurses and Midwives’ Satisfaction with Performance-Based Payment (Qasedak Project) in Zanjan Educational Hospitals [Volume 9, Number 2] |
The Effect of Promoting Social Competence Based on Flanner Model on Clinical Performance Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students: a Quasi-Experimental Study [Volume 13, Number 2] |
sexual desire
Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Based on Film Therapy on the Marital Satisfaction of Women with Low Sex Drive [Volume 8, Number 1] |
sexual function
The Effect of Mindfulness Psych-Educational Group Intervention on Improving Sexual Function of Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Number 4] |
sleep quality
The Effect of Orange Essential Oil Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality in Hospitalized Children [Volume 13, Number 1] |
social determinants of health
Pain Acceptance and its Related Social Determinants of Health in Patients with Cancer [Volume 13, Number 2] |
social distancing
Attitude and Performance of the Adult Population Regarding Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the City of Gerash, Fars, Iran [Volume 13, Number 1] |
social support
The predictive roles of self-efficacy, illness perception, and social support in self-care of patients with heart failure [Volume 7, Number 3] |
social support
Relationship between Quality of Life and Social Support in Women Treated for Cervical Cancer [Volume 1, Number 2] |
socio-demographic characteristics
Assessment of the predictive factors in body image of Iranian patients with breast cancer: Demographic factors [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Effect of Group Teaching of Emotional Intelligence Components of Salovey and Mayer (1990) Model on Stigma in Cancer Patients [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Effect of Aromatherapy with Rosa Damascena Essential Oil on Nurses' Occupational Stress in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 11, Number 3] |
An Evaluation of the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Breastfeeding Self-efficacy in Women Referred to Delivery Preparatory Classes in Zanjan, Iran in 2018 [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Sleep Apnea in Patients with Stroke and Related Risk Factors [Volume 1, Number 2] |
stroke patient
Study of Palliative Care Needs among Stroke Patients Referred to Physiotherapy Centers [Volume 10, Number 2] |
structural equation modeling
Structural Equation Modeling of Pain Management Based on Rumination and Positive and Negative Emotional Regulation Mediating Vitality in Women With Breast Cancer [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Eating Habits of Female Students Residing in a University Dormitory Focusing on Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia, 2009 [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Predicting Covid-19 Prevention Behaviors Based on the Health Belief Model Among the Students of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Zanjan City [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Investigating Self-esteem and Body Image Concern among Students of Islamic Azad University of Abhar Using Demographic Variables, 2015 [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Awareness and Knowledge of Medical, Nursing and Midwifery Students About Human Papillomavirus Infection and its Vaccine in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2020 [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Physical Health Needs of High School Female Adolescents and Related Factors in Tabriz in 2020 [Volume 11, Number 2] |
students' satisfactionon
The Clinical Learning Environments of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Iran Context: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Assessing the Quality of Receiving Patients’ Informed Consent in the Surgical Wards of Hospitals Affiliated to Zanjan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Evaluation of the Fear of Hospitalization and Associated Anxiety and Other Factors among Candidates for Emergency Surgery in the Hospitals Affiliated with Zanjan-Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2020 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Effective reduction of primary dysmenorrheal symptoms through concurrent use of n-3 fatty acids and Rosa damascena extract (RDE) [Volume 7, Number 2] |
A Comparative Study of Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Quality of Life among Nurses and High School Teachers in Zanjan, Iran in 2018 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
teaching hospitals
Explaining the Factors Affecting the Relative Value of Services and Their Role in the Performance-Based Payment System in Teaching-Therapeutic Centers in the Six national-Wide region of the Country [Volume 11, Number 2] |
How Managers are Related To Techno-Stress in Organization [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The Use of Health Information Technology by Nurses in Healthcare [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Modeling the structural relationship between early maternal maladaptive schemas and children's temperamental problems: The mediating role of child adjustment [Volume 9, Number 2] |
termination of breastfeeding
On the Relationship between Social Support and Early Breastfeeding Termination [Volume 9, Number 1] |
thalassemia major
The effectiveness of resilience training and stress management (SMART) on the quality of life in patients with thalassemia major [Volume 7, Number 2] |
thalassemia major
The Effectiveness of Stress Management and Resilience Training (SMART) on Psychological Well-Being in Patients with Thalassemia Major [Volume 8, Number 4] |
theory of planned behavior
Application Planned Behavior in theory Predicting Junk Food Consumption among Female Students [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Tracheal Cuff Pressure Changes and Associated Factors in Children who underwent Tonsillectomy at Shafa Polyclinic of Zanjan in the 1399-1400 period [Volume 13, Number 1] |
The Effect of Training Premenstrual Coping Skills in Undergraduate Students in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Hamadan-Iran [Volume 7, Number 1] |
type 2 diabetes
Study on the lifestyle of disadvantaged women at risk of type 2 diabetes under the support of social welfare center of Zanjan city in 2018 [Volume 8, Number 3] |
type 2 diabetes
The Role of Self-Efficacy, Hardiness, and Coping Strategies in Predicting Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 11, Number 4] |
type of delivery
The Predictive Role of Serum Leptin Levels in Pregnant Mothers in Relation to their Delivery Type [Volume 8, Number 1] |
under 5-year-old children
Investigating the Growth, Developmental Status, and Some Social Determinants Related to Children Under Five Years Old who were Referred to Comprehensive Urban Health Centers in Zanjan -2021 [Volume 13, Number 2] |
undergraduate medical education
Relationship between Death Anxiety and Happiness of Undergraduate Students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Investigation of Nursing Students’ Perceptions Regarding the Educational Atmosphere of Pharmacology Course at Jahrom University of Medical Sciences [Volume 9, Number 4] |
unwanted pregnancy
Pregnancy Adaptation and its Association with Attachment Styles in Wanted and Unwanted Pregnancies [Volume 8, Number 4] |
urinary incontinence
Sexual function and related factors in the women with urinary incontinence treated by pelvic floor exercise [Volume 8, Number 2] |
urinary tract
Evaluating the Observance Degree of Sterile Principles in The Process of Urinary Catheterization [Volume 9, Number 4] |
The Effect of Peer Education on Learning Vaccination Principles among Nursing Students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 9, Number 3] |
vocabulary knowledge
Improving Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Knowledge through Cooperative Learning Strategies: A Case of Nursing Students at Zanjan Medical University [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Investigation of the Relationship between Serum Leptin levels and Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy [Volume 7, Number 4] |
vulnerable populations
COVID-19 Risk Perception and its Related Factors and Outcomes in Vulnerable Groups: A Systematic Review [Volume 13, Number 1] |
watson’s theoryory
Investigation of Correlation Between Organizational Commitment and Perceptions of Caring Behavior from the Perspective of Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 12, Number 2] |
The Relationship between Weaning Method and Its Time and Severe Early Childhood Caries [Volume 11, Number 3] |
wijma delivery expectancy/experience questionnaire
Effect of Couples Counseling Based on the Problem-Solving Approach on the Fear of Delivery, Self-Efficacy, and Choice of Delivery Mode in the Primigravid Women Requesting Elective Cesarean Section [Volume 7, Number 4] |
The Relationship between Psychological Lifestyle and Spiritual Intelligence among Women [Volume 11, Number 3] |
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy on Hope and Pain Management in Women with Chronic Pain [Volume 12, Number 2] |
women health
The complexities and challenges of sexual dysfunctions diagnosis
in females: A case report [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Investigating the Relationship between Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Organizational Intelligence with the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Performance of Nurses in Golestan Hospital of Ahvaz City, Khuzestan, Iran [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The Effect of Thermal Care Workshop on EMS Staff Readiness in managing Accidental Hypothermia in Trauma Patients [Volume 8, Number 2] |